Contemplative Tending: Soji in Creative Practice
Sundays: Sept 8, Sept 15, Sept 22, Sept 29 | 10 - 12:30 PST
Join us for September workshop, inspired by Soji, the Zen practice of temple cleaning.
In four weekly sessions, we’ll explore how a shift in mindset can bring fresh energy and perspective to all facets of creative practice.
What is Soji?
Soji is a period of mindful work, often following zazen: sweeping the walkway, raking leaves, shaking out zendo cushions. In Soji, you enter a task for a set period of time, attending to it as fully as possible. In each session, we’ll cultivate this quality of immersive and attentive care in relation to creative practice.
"When we put our body and mind wholly into the present moment as we’re moving into activity, it's taking that zazen mind, that spaciousness, off the cushion and into motion." —Dōshin Mako Voelkel, City Center Abiding Abbot
A creative practice has its own ongoing activities and tasks that support and make the work possible. We will give attention to whatever may benefit from care in your practice, especially to those tasks that can sometimes feel in the way of creative work. The framework of soji can allow us to enter a task that might feel otherwise difficult, offering a held space that can feel grounding and restorative.
Whatever "creative practice," means to you, this workshop will provide ways to relate to all facets of it with a refreshed sense of engagement and curiosity. The workshop cultivates an ethos of respect and care for participants' risks and offerings. All are welcome.
No prior experience with Zen practice is necessary.
Each session includes:
Hello & Process discussion
A brief meditation/free write
Three 20-minute soji sessions [off-screen]
Informal discussion of experience/work/process
More information
"Coming Home to Your True Self" – A Dharma Talk by Mako Voelkel
Finding Freedom in Everyday Tasks: Soji in Creative Practice.